Thursday, August 5, 2010


We have often read and heard this line. It is the name of a story. But it would be injustice to the writer and the story so I would say a moral story. I’ll narrate a bit of it for those haven’t read it. There was a merchant and it was probably the monsoon season when this happened. He was carrying sacks of wheat in his cart. It got stuck in quicksand. He asked people to help him but none of them stopped. At last he decided to do it himself and then only people also started helping him.

So we leave it, I mean the story even without bothering about it a little. But have we ever tried to understand its deeper meaning. The answer is no. I am, of course not preaching but what I’m trying to tell is that every story has a hidden moral behind it {though nowadays it is written in the end}. Even I didn’t think of its meaning. But now I know it because of an incident. It went like this.

We had a PTM on Saturday and so it was kind of half holiday. I thought about what had happened the previous day in all the subjects. This is my way to decide if there is any homework. From this I came to the conclusion that there was no home work. So I spent Saturday and Saturday enjoying, wandering like a spirit and hovering around my grand-mother like a fly. On Sunday evening when I was packing my bag I saw in the TIME-TABLE to my horror there were two periods of Science and then only I remembered that we had to take material to school to make a firki [pinwheel]. I told my mother who was ironing the clothes. Maybe father also got a hint that something was wrong because I was whispering to my mother and whenever I haven’t done my homework I do like this. Whatever, so she assured me that I should go to play without any worry. When I came back she was talking to my aunt on phone and she talked for 46 minutes and 6 seconds! I decided to try myself and searched on Internet but couldn’t find. And the thing that annoyed me the most at that time was that when I saw in the result of my search that it was given about a non-vegetarian dish’s recipe [which I detest though I like omelet] and about a song as though at that moment I would sing a song or cook a dish rather than finding a way to get out of this problem. At that moment I felt so helpless and didn’t want to go to school. But later when my mother told me a way I again returned to be my cheerful self. Actually mom had mistaken it for a top. In this way I learnt that God has made a way to get out of every single problem and that we should never feel that anything is impossible because impossible also says that I’m possible. But of course sometime I will forget this again because when we are frustrated we forget everything. I’m sure that you must have understood a little bit, at least, because you never know when you’ll need it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Its Diwali time. I mean at this time of the night, there is a lot of noise around me. I’ve just come inside because I had inhaled the poisonous gases of the sparklers.

And I saw a lot of smoke and dust around me and then I felt that how wrong we were doing to our mother earth. We have been disrespectful towards her and here we are with the result-Global Warming.

If we make a pledge on this auspicious day of Diwali that we would celebrate this festival of lights with lights only, spreading light in our lives and others’ lives. If we all join hands to prevent pollution and go green, we can make Earth a better place to live in.
I want to tell every
one who is reading this article now, that we have to give a good example to our future generations. Wouldn’t it be a selfish thing to do if we would leave Earth as a dirty place for our future generations so stop this pollution, be a better human being and don’t burst crackers. I am sure , then, Goddess Lakshmi will come to your house without calling!!!